Saturday, December 21, 2024
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Falsified contracts in Putevi Srpske?!

You could have learned from the text published by the Infoveza portal on October 13, 2023 that Milan Dakić, the acting director of the public enterprise “Putevi Republike Srpske” has signed a contract with Goran Lazarević, the owner of SP “Razvitak” from the municipality of Šekovići, in which “Putevi Srpske” is leasing a part of the public area, i.e. the sidewalk to SP “Razvitak.

As we have explained then, the contract that is available to our newsroom, but cannot be published due to earlier amended Criminal Code of Republika Srpska, in its Article 1 reads that “The lessor assigns the right to use of the land of road, which is located within the regional road R1-4101, section Šekovići – Caparde, on the right side of the road…to be used for the purpose of accessing an agricultural plot.”

As it can be seen on the cover photo the plot is located in the municipality’s downtown, next to a shop and has nothing to do with agricultural land. The contract also reads that its validity period is October 1, December 31, 2023 with the possibility of extension. The lease price for these three months is, believe it or not, BAM 1.500.

However this is not the end, and what happened next is even more interesting.

Namely, the testimony of Slobodan Vasiljević from Šekovići suggests that Putevi Srpske has subsequently falsified the existing contract or has created a new, parallel one.  

“I have contacted the communal police of Šekovići municipality on September 7, 2023 requesting an investigation into the lawfulness of having an improvised grocery store installed on a public space, in the area of the pedestrian crossing and the main intersection, on the sidewalk in front of SP “Razvitak” owned by the local businessman Goran Lazarević”, started his testimony Vasiljević explaining that Lazarević was repeatedly reported for domestic violence.

Vasiljević is wondering if someone is afraid of Lazarević and therefore reluctant to react to, as he said, an obvious threat to the safety of road users or, as he claims, everything is solved with money.

“The pedestrian crossing is used daily by children from Sučani settlement when going to school. After the communal police established the facts, confirming the validity of my request, it passed a decision on removal of the improvised landfill, giving the owner a deadline of eight days to remove it, which he did after the deadline had expired. However, a few days after Goran Lazarević submits a Lease Contract concluded with PE “Putevi Srpske” and signed by the acting director Milan Dakić, according to which they are leasing him three square meters that will be used as “access road to agricultural land”, said Vasiljević adding that had informed Dakić about that and received a guarantee that “Putevi” will annul the disputed contract after an extraordinary inspection supervision.

Vasiljević said that he had officially contacted PE “Putevi Republike Srpske” by e-mail.

“I addressed the letter to several responsible persons and have attached the photos of the “agricultural good”, but still have not received any response. I also sent a letter to the Zvornik Police Department and was told that any illegal parking will be sanctioned, which is what they do on the ground in order to prevent the endangerment of pedestrians due to daily crowds, illegal parking and the disturbance of other road users by irresponsible drivers.”

PHOTO e-mail of Slobodan Vasiljević

Vasiljević has decided to see this matter through, so shortly afterwards he contacted to the traffic inspector Dragan Maksimović, who declared himself incompetent and referred the entire matter back to the Contract between PE “Putevi RS” and Goran Lazarević.

“What is no longer tragic, but rather comical in this wonderland is the fact that his answer suggests that there are two Contracts, “same, but different”. There is no mentioning of agricultural good in his contract, while it is mentioned right at the beginning, in Article 1, of the contract that I have, which raises suspicion of falsification of the contract. Following all of this I contacted Slađana Jakšić, who, according to my information, is responsible for the road belt in PE “Putevi RS”, and I am still waiting for her answer. They cannot hide crime as much as I can keep waiting”, warns Vasiljević.

The evidence in our possession, namely the contract between “Putevi” and Goran Lazarević, shows that Vasiljević is right namely that there is a suspicion of contract falsification. Let’s clarify: contract that is available to our newsroom reads that the road is leased for the purpose of access to the agricultural land, while the contract sent to Vasiljević by Dragan Maksimović reads that the purpose is installation of selling stands.

Let’s recall that the communal police of Šekovići municipality had removed illegal grocery shop in front of SP “Razvitak”, owned by the aforementioned Goran Lazarević, who is also a member of Goran Selak’s SPS. Goran’s wife Snežana was on the candidate’s lists of Selak’s party for the councilor.

We have tried to get an answer from “Putevi Srpske” and its acting director Milan Dakić, but neither “Putevi” nor Dakić reacted this time. It is very indicative that they are not at all bother by public speculation about falsification of the contract, because as Infoveza unofficially learns the case describe above is not an isolated case.

Stefan Blagić

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