Sunday, January 12, 2025
-2.4 C
Banja Luka
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OLAF is investigating Nešić, Rizvo and spending of the EU funds in BiH!

FOTO: Pixsell The European Anti-Fraud Office also formed a case following our portal’s reports about an affair in the BiH Ministry of Security. European Anti-Fraud Office – OLAF has formed a case concerning non-transparent spending of EU funds in the BiH Ministry of Security, learns. Namely, OLAF has launched an investigation into malfeasance during the...

FOREST HARVESTING ON THE PROTECTED LANDSCAPE KONJUH: “On the Kladanj’s side there is no ramp, no video surveillance nor the supervisors to inspect the...

The protected landscape Konjuh is often protected on paper only and is no different from other forests in our country that are used for logging and timber theft, claim Inforadar’s interlocutors, activities from Tuzla’s Cardboard Revolution. They explain that the worst attitude on this protected area is on the side of Kladanj, where there...

Put Foča- Šćepan Polje gradiće kineska firma presuđena za uništavanja prirode

Naslovna fotografija: Vlada RS O rekonstrukciji i izgradnji magistralnog puta Foča- Šćepan polje, poznatog i kao put smrti, govori se godinama. Još 2017. vlast Republike Srpske planirala je da ovaj projekat finansiraju evropske institucije odnosno evropski kreditori po povoljnijim uslovima. Međutim, ove godine entitetska vlast okrenula se kreditnim izvorima iz...

Chinese Company Convicted of Environmental Destruction to Build Foča-Šćepan Polje Highway

The reconstruction and construction of the Foča-Šćepan Polje highway, also known as the “Death Road”, has been discussed for years. As far back as 2017, the authorities of Republika Srpska planned to finance this project through European institutions or European creditors on favourable terms. However, this year, the entity...

Sporne nabavke u trebinjskoj bolnici: Krivice ima, epiloga nema

Naslovna fotografija: Igor Svrdlin Trebinjsko tužilaštvo utvrdilo je odgovornost direktora Opšte bolnice u ovom gradu Nedeljka Lambete, koji je nabavljao gas po dvostruko većim cijenama i tako zloupotrijebio položaj, nezvanično saznaje eTrafika. I pored toga, predmet protiv njega je proslijeđen Republičkom javnom tužilaštvu, gdje bi, prema riječima naših sagovornika,...

Controversial Procurements at the Trebinje Hospital: Guilt Identified, No Conclusion Reached

Cover Photo: Igor Svrdlin The Trebinje prosecution has determined the responsibility of the Director of the General Hospital in this city, Nedeljko Lambeta, who procured gas at prices twice as high and thus abused his position, eTrafika learns unofficially. Despite this, the case against him has been forwarded to the...

Milioneri u državnim carinama

Bosanska Gradiška najfrekfentnija je i najpoželjniju destinaciju za carinike i službenike. Dobar dio njih, osim što sami učestvuju u koruptivnim radnjama „uzimanja na kafu“ od vozača i špeditera, dužni su da veći dio novca stečenog od mita dobro uhodanim kanalima prebacuju šefovima u Banjaluku. Kako i na koje načine...

VALTER’S DOSSIER: Millionaires in State Customs

Gradiska is the most frequent and desirable destination for customs officers and officials. A good portion of them, besides participating in corrupt practices of "coffee-taking" from drivers and freight forwarders, are obliged to transfer the majority of the bribe money earned through well-established channels to their bosses in Banja...

Vlada Srpske tužena zbog koncesije vrijedne 158 miliona KM

Konzorcijum firmi “Solar energetik“ iz Krupe na Uni, „Tempo kompani“ iz Beograda, „Interpromet“ iz Novog Grada i „Siming trade“ iz Foče podnio je tužbu protiv Vlade Republike Srpske zbog nezakonite dodjele koncesije za izgradnju solarne elektrane „Dubovik“ u Krupi na Uni vrijedne 158 miliona maraka, otkriva CAPITAL. Vlasnik i direktor...

Gdje je Sara?

Centar za istraživačko novinarstvo BiH objavio je dokumentarni film “Gdje je Sara” o sudbini koja je zadesila Aleksandru Blagojević i Miloša Kuprešanina majku i oca rođene djevojčice Sare kojoj se nakon rođenja na UKC Republike Srpske gubi svaki trag. Gerila info je o Aleksandrinoj i Miloševoj potrazi za kćerkom...
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