Foto: Fuad Fočo, archive, Facebook profiles
The connection of the married couple Kalušić with the director of the Student Dormitory, Ermin Zukić, where Aida Kalušić got a job in a "made-up" position, is evident on several grounds. At the same time, Aida Kalušić is a coach in the Basketball Women's...
Opština Gacko spada među lokalne samouprave sa značajnim viškom radnika. Iako je za ovu godinu budžetom planirano 5,8 miliona maraka za lična primanja, jasno je da to, zbog povećanja minimalne plate, neće biti dovoljno. Ipak, načelnik Ogjen Milinković je proteklih dana zaposlio još dvije osobe. Jedna od njih je...
The Municipality of Gacko is among local self-governments with a significant surplus of workers. Although the budget for this year allocated 5.8 million BAM for personal income, it is clear that it will not be sufficient due to the increase in the minimum wage. Nevertheless, Mayor Ogjen Milinković has...
High School Center Golub Kureš in Bileća (Photo: Direkt)
Two days after "Direkt" published a story about irregularities in the competition for hiring teachers for the economic subjects group at "Golub Kureš" high school in Bileća, it was reported in Glas Srpske that the competition had been annulled. On the...
By using political connections, as well as the authority of one of the key positions within the Islamic community, Edhem Bičakčić has positioned himself as the key factor in the development of BiH energy industry. Unfortunately, the benefits of his actions in this sector were felt exclusively by...
Koristeći političke konekcije kao i autoritet jedne od ključnih pozicija unutar Islamske zajednice, Edhem Bičakčić pozicionirao se kao ključni faktor u razvoju bh. energetike. Nažalost, benefite njegovog djelovanja u ovom sektoru osjetili su isključivo investitori i privatne kompanije bespovratno uništavajući sve prirodne resurse Bosne i Hercegovine.
“Energetska tranzicija mora...
Srednjoškolski centar Golub Kureš u Bileći (Foto: Direkt)
Dva dana nakon što je „Direkt“ objavio priču o neregularnostima na konkursu za prijem nastavnika ekonomske grupe predmeta u srednjoj školi „Golub Kureš“ u Bileći, u Glasu Srpske objavljeno je da je konkurs poništen. Isti dan, 7. februara, raspisan je novi.
Kako "Direkt"...
It's no news that job competitions are being manipulated in Republika Srpska, but it's especially painful when it happens in the field of education. The case of Sanja Đukić is particularly distressing, given that Sanja spent more than 180 months unemployed, and, as she says, because she doesn't belong...
Novac za nabavku mehanizacije za povratnike dodijelili boračkoj organizaciji koja je odustala od kupovine i novac proslijedila drugom udruženju.
Ni dvije sedmice nakon našeg upita nije bilo dovoljno službama informisanja opštine Novi Grad Sarajevo da odgovore na pitanje – kako je i gdje završio novac dodijieljen Udruženju Jedinstvena organizacija boraca...
Money for the purchase of machinery for returnees was allocated to a veterans organization, which gave up the purchase and forwarded the money to another association.
Not even two weeks after our inquiry were not enough for the public relations office of the Municipality of Novi Grad Sarajevo to answer...