There is a public vacancy for the position in the FBiH Ministry of transport and communications, led by HDZ’s Andrijana Katić, that stood out as interesting during our regular monitoring of recruitment procedures.
Two positions were announced by the public vacancy of November 30, 2023 titled “PUBLIC VACANCY for...
Kada bolnica “Sveti apostol Luka” iz Doboja nabavlja prehrambene proizvode, onda već godinama nije pitanje ko će proći na tenderu. Da poslove redovno dobijaju “Univerzal-DO” iz Doboja i banjalučka firma “Novo-teks”, postala je praksa s kojom se i konkurencija pomirila. Žaliti se kažu ne vrijedi, jer tenderska dokumentacija je...
When the "Sveti apostol Luka" hospital in Doboj procures food products, it hasn't been a question for years about who will win the tender. The fact that "Univerzal-DO" from Doboj and the Banja Luka-based company "Novo-teks" regularly secure the contracts has become a practice to which even the competition...
U zadnji čas ministri dijele bez reda i kriterija. Pa su se na spisku „dobitnika“ našli grobari, NLP treneri, udruženja koje vode političari, svakoliki animatori, zabavljači, glumci amateri. Pa i direktor državne agencije. Vrhunske sportiste nije zapalo da ih država nagradi s visokim ciframa.
Blizu četiri miliona KM je Savjet...
The ministers are giving away money at the last minute and without any criteria. The list of “winners” include undertakers, NLP coaches, associations led by politicians, all kinds of animators, entertainers, amateur actors, even a director of a state agency. Top sportsmen and sportswomen never got around to getting...
Judicial officer Ramel Šorlija, who posed as a construction worker, painter, tiler, or bricklayer, and owner of a non-existent construction company, deceived citizens in at least five cases by taking money for pre-agreed works that he often did not adequately complete or left unfinished. Citizens most commonly paid for...
Udruženje Umbrella, koje okuplja 13 nezavisnih istraživačkih medija smatra nedopustivim, krajnje neprimjernim i uvredljivim obraćanje načelnika Šipova i člana SNSD –a Milana Kovača novinarki Bojani Ninković i Siniši Vukeliću, uredniku portala Capital.ba.
Novinarka Ninković je pozvala Kovača i zatražila komentar u vezi sa prinudnom naplatom obveznica njegove Drvne industrije Šipovo,...
FOTO: Pixsell
The European Anti-Fraud Office also formed a case following our portal’s reports about an affair in the BiH Ministry of Security.
European Anti-Fraud Office – OLAF has formed a case concerning non-transparent spending of EU funds in the BiH Ministry of Security, Fokus.ba learns.
Namely, OLAF has launched an investigation into malfeasance during the...
The protected landscape Konjuh is often protected on paper only and is no different from other forests in our country that are used for logging and timber theft, claim Inforadar’s interlocutors, activities from Tuzla’s Cardboard Revolution. They explain that the worst attitude on this protected area is on the side of Kladanj, where there...
Naslovna fotografija: Vlada RS
O rekonstrukciji i izgradnji magistralnog puta Foča- Šćepan polje, poznatog i kao put smrti, govori se godinama. Još 2017. vlast Republike Srpske planirala je da ovaj projekat finansiraju evropske institucije odnosno evropski kreditori po povoljnijim uslovima. Međutim, ove godine entitetska vlast okrenula se kreditnim izvorima iz...